Integration Rebrand Request

Submit the form below to request an update to your integration's branding in the Zapier Directory.

Only fill in the fields you want to change. If a field should stay the same, please leave it blank.

Your Integration ID can be found in the URL when you select your integration in the Developer Platform, like this.

Please provide your Zapier account email. You must be an Administrator or Collaborator for the integration.

Provide the new name of your integration as it should display in Zapier. See our guidelines here.

Provide the new description for your integration. Must be 140 characters or less. See our guidelines here.

Provide the new homepage URL of your app.

Drag and drop files here

Provide the new logo for your integration. Asset must be a square (identical height/width), at least 256x256px or larger transparent PNG. Max 10MB.

Provide the new category for your integration. Choose the most appropriate option for your app's core features. View the available categories. Can't find an existing category that represents your app? Suggest a new category you'd like to see added to our app directory.

Provide the new HEX color code for integration's primary color.